Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Somedays I Feel Like I am Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Waking up this morning, I stared at my ceiling wondering where I am headed in life. I feel that I am happy having a million things to do and never letting myself breathe. What am I trying to prove? Who am I trying to impress? As I fall deeper into stress and pain, I lose touch with what is happiness. In French, happiness, or le bonheur, is something found when we find ourselves. Today I feel like I am slow dancing in a world that is burning with information and events that I can't control or am helpless to take part in.

I think the mass companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have sparked an age where information is accessible at the touch of a key. Google searches tell me what I need to know for my classes. Facebook updates inform me of my friends' lives, their troubles, and their joys. My Mac is the tool that I use to access these wondrous social networks and information centers almost instantly. But really, where do I fit in all of this? It makes me wonder about what is controlling my life. Am I in control, or am I letting technology integrate itself into my person and make me into a Borg? This is just some more brainstorming  for the a mini-paper I have to post tomorrow about how the control of Google, Facebook, and Apple affect our lives almost like the control Big Brother and the Party have on Winston's life in Orwell's 1984. 

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